Sunday, March 13, 2016

Power of the Atonement

Feel inspired to share this. I have been trying to understand the atonement better than do because I am not sure what it feels like to receive help and healing. This was timely for me.

Written by Jenn Alexander Mcmurdo:
I was just reading through some of my writings today and came across this. Those of you who know me, you know that teaching and speaking on the Power of the Atonement is one of my passions.

"There is a gift that we have all been given, this gift sets us free to learn and to grow and to overcome the hardships of this life. It is the gift that Jesus gave his life for, he is the gift. He gave himself a sacrifice for sin, so that if we would repent and come to him, we would be saved. We are saved from the blood and the sins of this world and generation, saved from our weak selves, if we will turn to him and ask for his guidance and light.  Jesus is Love, his Love is ever encompassing and forever healing, when we come to him and tap into his infinite love then that is when true change and healing begins.  People ask me how I have overcome so many challenges and how I am now overcoming depression….the truth is this… Jesus has helped me every step of the way because I have always cried out to him and he has brought tools and people and experiences to help me.  It is in my darkest hours though that I turn to him with all the energy of my heart and soul and cry out for relief and understanding, and he is always there.  So many of us walk around thinking that our choices change our worth, or that because of unwise choices and mistakes that we must continually punish ourselves because we don’t deserve to be forgiven, this is so not true, it is a bold face lie actually. Because Christ took our pain upon him and bled from every pore because of it, because he bore the full weight of our pain, paid the full price willingly, we are free if we will but turn to him for love and direction. He gave us that gift so that we would not have to be enslaved by the pain and carry it with us, he also did this so he could walk by our sides and be an advocate for us.  This is why HE can be called, our personal savior.
I believe that most of us have witnessed the power of God's love in our life, I know of no other way it is manifest more strongly than in the Atonement of His Son, Jesus Christ.  I have spent so much time pondering on this great act of love and service on our behalf, and have spent days and nights on my knees asking for the power in the Atonement to help me daily overcome my weaknesses. I have been impressed with thoughts and idea's that have changed the way I go about doing things."

Every day I thank God for His Beloved Son, My Savior and King, and for the gift and power of the Atonement in our lives."

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